É interessante: Mulher
Idade: 21 - 30
Meta: Relacionamento de longo prazo, Amizade, Flertar e namorar
  • good company
  • having fun
  • mutuality
  • relations
  • tasty food
  • meeting friends
  • girls
  • money
  • children
  • friendship
  • smoking
  • making new friends
  • loneliness
  • politics
  • sports
  • music
  • weapons
  • sport
  • survival
  • games
  • bodybuilding
  • martial arts
  • ultimate fighting
  • boxing
  • tennis
  • fighting
  • judo
  • karate
Rendimento baixo estável
Moro com meus pais
Graduação incompleta
Idiomas: English, हिंदी
Bebo socialmente
  • India
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