My name is Rees I just moved back to the golden state and it's great. I was living in Texas and, finnally made it back home. Iam a fun loving, laid back guy who likes women with confidence and has some maturity. I was raised to respect women ,and have some old fashion ways to show that. I've been in the military and All over the world .I am just now settling down and looking for that right one. If your feeling frogy jump! If your feeling like a Panda Hug me. But I am here to supply the Lilly Pad!!! I know it's a lame ass bio but that's what I got for now.
Ist interessant: Frau
zwischen: 26 - 35
Ziel: Ernsthafte Beziehungen, Freundschaft
  • good company
  • having fun
  • car trips
Stabiles Durchschnittseinkommen
Eigene Wohnung (gemietet oder Eigentum)
Keine Kinder, aber ich will sie haben
Sprachen: English
Ich rauche gelegentlich
Ich trinke gerne
  • USA
Größe: 177 cm (5′10″)
Gewicht: 62 kg (137 lb)
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