, 59
Dari Fremont
I am looking for a woman that is tender hearten, kind, considerate of others needs, one that would appreciate having a man that would love her in a way that she's not been loved before,i want a woman that is not too hurt and not too hard to trust again and can give herself to a man to be loved and taken care of in a way that will bring a joy of life and an appreciation she will look forward to every day.
Menarik: Perempuan
Umur: 41 - 60
Tujuan: Long-term relationship
Kamar asrama
Bahasa: English
Saya tidak merokok
Minum untuk pergaulan
  • Kanada
  • Ghana
  • Amerika Serikat
Tinggi badan: 172.7 cm (5′8″)
Berat: 57 kg (126 lb)
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