, 38
De Westergate
My biggest passions it's to ride the bike. Im not typical, don't like to go around, so best way to say what's on your mind, looking for girl to go for a ride together, get know each other , food, coffee Lacation shows wrong, i live in bognor regis
Es interesante: Chica
Edad: 18 - 35
Objetivo: Relación de largo plazo, Amistad, Flirtear y citas
  • cars
  • good company
  • having fun
  • wind
  • evening walks
  • aviation
  • car racing
  • active lifestyle
  • active leisure
  • astronomy
  • motor transportation
  • motorsports
  • adventure films
  • war films
  • detective films
  • documentary films
  • wolves
Sin hijos
Idiomas: English, Lietuvių, Русский
Bebedor social
  • Reino Unido
Estatura: 180 cm (5′11″)
Peso: 80 kg (176 lb)
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