, 50
De Grand Popo
I want a serious woman with a pure heart not a cheater and heart broken woman, that i can settle the rest of my life with...I also have a little daughter a lady that can take good care of my only child..please contact me with your whatsapp contact if you don't mind and if you know that your serious not a joker...
Es interesante: Chica
Edad: 36 - 60
Objetivo: Relación de largo plazo
  • swimming
  • basketball
  • kick boxing
  • football
  • gyms
  • body shaping
Ingresos altos
Apartamento separado (alquiler o propiedad)
Tengo hijos, vivimos juntos
Másters o MBA
Idiomas: English
No fumo
Me gusta beber
  • Japón
  • China
  • Benín
  • Rusia
Estatura: 162 cm (5′4″)
Peso: 89 kg (196 lb)
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