, 57
Aus New York City
I'm looking for a woman of integrity. believe in good values.honesty is one of them. I love my family, very important to me. I've learned that what you do is not as important as who your with. If you enjoy each others company, you can always have fun. I love to laugh have a good time. Live a healthy lifestyle, workout and take care of myself. I enjoy living life to its fullest , enjoy many activities. Want a good woman that I can be a good man to.
Ist interessant: Frau
zwischen: 41 - 60
Ziel: Ernsthafte Beziehungen, Freundschaft
Regelmäßiges niedriges Einkommen
Eigene Wohnung (gemietet oder Eigentum)
Es gibt Kinder, wohnen gemeinsam
Unvollständige Schulbildung
Sprachen: English
Ich rauche nicht
  • USA
Einheimischer des Kaukasus
Größe: 177.8 cm (5′10″)
Gewicht: 85 kg (187 lb)
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