I'm 5'11 tall 187 lbs of weight salt n pepper hair Romantic and open minded i'm Mike Fo Bannam and building designer and also into home remodeling i got a son by my lte wife that died 2011 been single alone till no i have given this i well full thought so i decided to go into the love thing in a who I want to find a like minded ideal match something real and mutual
Ist interessant: Frau
zwischen: 41 - 50
Ziel: Ernsthafte Beziehungen, Freundschaft, Flirt und Dates
  • documentary films
  • romantic films
  • family films
  • crime films
Ich lebe bei einem/r Freund/in
Es gibt Kinder, wohnen separat
Sprachen: English
Ich rauche
Größe: 207 cm (6′9″)
Gewicht: 79 kg (174 lb)
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