You can convey your love through many words ...It tickles my heart when I see a gray haired old couple walking and holding hands. I miss the touch and intimacy I once shared and would like to be able to experience it again. I need a partner who understands, can laugh at my jokes, and who makes me laugh a gentle, caring woman who thinks about others and their feelings.
Interessato/a a: Una ragazza
Di: 36 - 60
Scopo: Una relazione seria, Amicizia, Flirt e appuntamenti
Appartamento (in affitto o di proprietà)
Ho figli ma non vivono con me
Lingue: English, Русский
Non fumo
Non bevo
  • Stati Uniti
  • Nigeria
Altezza: 181 cm (5′11″)
Peso: 73 kg (161 lb)
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